Research Topics: Strategic Management in the Public Interest, Governance Forms, Human Development, Societal Challenges, Future of Work

Contact: [at] cbs [dot] dk


I am a strategic management and human development specialist. I am passionate about understanding how organizations can combine their pursuit for superior performance with providing solutions to pressing societal challenges.

I currently hold the CBS Executive Fonden Assistant Professor Chair in Leadership at the Copenhagen Business School

Two central questions motivate my ongoing projects:
  • Human Development as an Internal Strategy: When and how can organizations align their strategies to achieve superior performance with nurturing their workers?
  • The Governance of Human Development: How do organizations under distinct governance forms manage the tensions of providing educational services?
My research has been published in prestigious academic journals, such as the Strategic Management Journal and Organization Science. It has also been cited in the general and specialized press, such as the New York Times, Fortune, Inc., Business Insider, Vox, MarketWatch, and Harvard Business Review online. My research, teaching, and service contributions to the Strategic Management community have also received multiple awards and recognitions.
I am originally from Brazil, where I engaged in consulting for private-public collaborations, developing projects with multilateral organizations (e.g., the International Finance Corporation and the Inter-American Development Bank) and state agencies.
Previously, I was a Researcher at the Harvard Business Schoolvisiting Professor at INSEADand an Academic Fellow at the SDA Bocconi School of Management. I earned a Ph.D. in Business Economics from the Insper Institute of Education and Research, with a research stay at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto.